Hi! My name is James Meyers, and I am currently the sole individual behind Scuttled Squid Games. I personally love roguelikes and indie games, and as a studio I am producing exciting replayable experiences.
I come from a professional background in tech, product education and customer service, and a personal background of playing a whole ton of games, lab chemistry expertise, and personal education in programming. My experience in tech has allowed me to cultivate skills in product education, technical writing, and professional content creation for products and games.
These are the games I have created in my free time and for game jams. This list is growing, albeit slowly as my free time is fairly limited between my day job and my hobbyist endeavors.
If you like my games and want to send a dollar or two my way, feel free to make a donation through Itch.io on any of my game pages or through my Ko-Fi page!